Machen Sie mit dem Spaß mit Talking Ginger ! Finden Sie Ihre bevorzugte Art zu spielen! Sag Hallo in einer Welt voller Spaß mit Talking Ginger , dem perfekten Freund der Playtime! Ginger L.
Machen Sie mit dem Spaß mit Talking Ginger ! Find your favorite way to play!
Say hello to a world of fun with Talking Ginger , the perfect playtime friend!
Ginger loves to play fun games with friends! Brush your friend's teeth, play with the bubbles and have fun popping them to unlock jigsaw pieces. Your friend needs you to help complete all of his funny jigsaw puzzles.
Interact with Ginger! You can pet, tickle and talk to your funny friend. Turn on your microphone and say hello to Ginger. This cat loves to chat, he'll repeat anything you say back to you in his own voice for fun!
Take care of your friend before bed and look after his needs to unlock new puzzles! Make fun memories and enjoy classic tamagotchi features:
- Play with your tamagotchi friend to hear his cute laugh
- Say hello and the cat will talk back to you!
- Shower him, brush his teeth and take care of his fur
- Pop toothpaste bubbles, roll down the toilet paper and play the jigsaw puzzle game
- Collect jigsaw puzzles from your friend's funny dreams
Players who love tamagotchi games, pet games and dress up games will love Talking Ginger , too!
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